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Happy International Women’s Day

March 8 is the annual celebration of International Women’s Day, and this year’s theme is “embrace equity”

Equity is fundamentally about fairness and inclusivity. It centres on proportional fairness to allow people to make the most of their talents and skills. In line with this theme, we are urging everyone to develop a greater understanding of equity, to ensure that imbalances in the workplace and society today are addressed. The statistics below illustrate where imbalance still exists in the workplace today:

  • The gender pay gap in the UK currently sits at 12.28%. The UK ranked 22nd out of the 146 economies included in the 2022 Global Gender Gap Report.
  • At the current rate of progress, it will take 132 years to fully close the global gender pay gap.
  • The share of women hired into leadership roles in 2022 sits at only 36.8%. Whilst this has increased from 33.3% in 2016 there is still a way to go before there is sufficient representation for women in leadership roles.
  • Time-use surveys conducted in the UK, US and Germany in the height of the pandemic shows that women disproportionately carried the burden of home-schooling and childcare. In June 2020 12.7% of mothers were not working because of virus related childcare compared to only 2.8% of fathers.

GDFM is proud to recognise the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our business, throughout the year.

At GDFM 54% of our staff are female and 50% of our top 10 highest earning employees are female. Furthermore, men and women are equally represented in our leadership team.

Our workforce is diverse, not only in terms of gender but also in terms of race, religion, and backgrounds. This is something we actively nurture and we ensure that equal pay is maintained.

Our Academy is constantly improved and expanded, and we are working on introducing more training that will ensure that we recognise that a more women-friendly workplace, is also a more human-friendly workplace that benefits all of us and our clients.

If you have any further ideas on how to #EmbraceEquity, please get in touch with us. We are committed to enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion in GDFM.